Falls Links 

 May 2024 | Issue 3 

Welcome to the May 2024 issue of our newsletter


  • NSW Fall Prevention and Healthy Ageing Network 2024 Annual Fall Forum
  • Annual Forum Rural Travel Grants
  • SAVE THE DATE! Northern NSW LHD Rural Forum and Exercise Workshop
  • Research Highlights

  • Stepping On
  • SHARE - Positions Available for Fitness Instructors
  • Upcoming Events

2024 Annual Fall Forum

NSW Fall Prevention and Healthy Ageing Network 2024 Annual Fall Forum

Friday June 7th, 2024

Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney


The NSW Fall Prevention & Healthy Ageing Network Annual Forum provides a fantastic opportunity to come together and learn about the latest on fall prevention and healthy ageing. Listen to experts in their field provide an overview of the latest research, advocacy, quality improvement and fall prevention in residential aged care and hospital, and community program initiatives.

This forum also provides a fabulous opportunity to network, exchanges ideas and learn from each other.


Click here to register

Plenary Speakers include:

Pam Albany Guest Lecture: Prof Hylton Menz, NHMRC Senior Research Fellow, School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport, La Trobe University

Prof Sallie Lamb, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of Exeter, UK

Dr Jasmine Menant, Senior Research Scientist, Falls, Balance and Injury Research Centre, NeuRA

Dr Sandra Iuliano, Senior Research Fellow,  Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne

A/Prof Natalie Allen, Senior Lecturer, Program Director,  The University of Sydney

Prof Cathie Sherrington, Senior Principal Research Fellow, NHMRC Leadership Fellow, The University of Sydney

Annual Forum Rural Travel Grants

The NSW Fall Prevention and Healthy Ageing Network (NSW FPHAN) will award 10 Rural Travel Grants to NSW rural health staff working across regional NSW. 


Travel grant recipients receive $300 to assist in the costs of registration and accommodation/flights to attend the NSW Fall Prevention and Healthy Ageing Network Annual Forum in Sydney. 


Eligible applicants must:

  • Not have received a previous Rural Travel Grant
  • Be working within one of the following NSW Rural Health LHDs: Southern NSW, Murrumbidgee, Far West, Western NSW, Northern NSW, Mid North Coast and rural – end Hunter New England and Illawarra Southern
  • Complete the application form below 

Please complete the attached application form by Thursday 23 May to apply.

SAVE THE DATE! Northern NSW LHD Rural Forum and Exercise Workshop

Northern NSW LHD Rural Forum

Friday September 20th, 2024

Ballina RSL


Northern NSW LHD Exercise to Prevent Falls Workshop

Saturday September 21st, 2024

Ballina Beach Resort


The NSW Fall Prevention & Healthy Ageing Network Rural Forum provides a unique opportunity for those working in the Northern NSW LHD to come together and learn about the latest in fall prevention and healthy ageing with an aim to inspire and motivate care staff to provide high quality, evidence-based care with a focus on strategies to reduce risk & harm from falls. 




Effective fall prevention exercise in residential aged care: an intervention component analysis from an updated systematic review

Dawson R, Suen J, Sherrington C, Kwok W, Pinheiro MB, Haynes A, McLennan C, Sutcliffe K, Kneale D, Dyer S. Br. J. Sports Med. 2024; ePub(ePub): ePub.


DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-107505




OBJECTIVE: The effect of fall prevention exercise programmes in residential aged care (RAC) is uncertain. This paper reports on an intervention component analysis (ICA) of randomised controlled trials (RCTs), from an update of a Cochrane review, to develop a theory of features of successful fall prevention exercise in RAC.

METHODS: Trial characteristics were extracted from RCTs testing exercise interventions in RAC identified from an update of a Cochrane review to December 2022 (n=32). Eligible trials included RCTs or cluster RCTs in RAC, focusing on participants aged 65 or older, assessing fall outcomes with stand-alone exercise interventions. ICA was conducted on trials with >30 participants per treatment arm compared with control (n=17). Two authors coded trialists' perceptions on intervention features that may have contributed to the observed effect on falls. Inductive thematic analysis was used to identify the key differences between the trials which might account for positive and negative outcomes.

RESULTS: 32 RCTs involving 3960 residents including people with cognitive (57%) and mobility (41%) impairments were included. ICA on the 17 eligible RCTs informed the development of a theory that (1) effective fall prevention exercise delivers the right exercise by specifically targeting balance and strength, tailored to the individual and delivered simply at a moderate intensity and (2) successful implementation needs to be sufficiently resourced to deliver structured and supervised exercise at an adequate dose.

CONCLUSIONS: This analysis suggests that delivering the right exercise, sufficiently resourced, is important for preventing falls in RAC. This clinical guidance requires confirmation in larger trials.


Read more here


For more fall prevention-related research publications, the NSW Fall Prevention and Healthy Ageing Network collates abstracts from SafetyLit.org each week which can be viewed here.

Active Women Over 50 program. Participants needed

Do you want support to be more active? Researchers at The University of Sydney are offering a program aiming to increase physical activity in women aged 50+.

The free program involves:
📞 telephone health coaching from a physiotherapist
💬 motivational messages via email or SMS for 6 months to help increase your physical activity
🖥️ access to online resources
👥 access to a private Facebook group.

To be eligible, you need to be a woman aged 50+, live in the community in NSW, and have access to the internet.

Learn more at www.activewomenover50.org.au or contact the team for more information.

Email: sph.activewomen@sydney.edu.au or Phone (02) 8627 6242.

Copy of the flyer attached

Stepping On Updates

The next Stepping On training day on the 23rd of September is filling up! Hurry to secure a spot!

For more details or enquiries, visit the Stepping On website:

A copy of the Stepping On training flyer is attached.

SHARE - Positions Available for Fitness Instructors

SHARE SMR Inc is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing affordable, accessible and varied health and fitness programs to the community.

SHARE specialises in delivering exercise programs for seniors and are currently looking for accredited fitness instructors to join our team and lead a range of both land
and water group exercise classes. 


Upcoming Events

18th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

1st - 6th June 2024, International Convention Centre Sydney, Sydney, Australia


NSW Fall Prevention and Healthy Ageing Network Annual Forum

7th June 2024, Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney, Australia


Safety 2024 - 15th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion

2nd - 4th September 2024, Delhi, India


Our vision is to lead the way in fall prevention and other healthy ageing initiatives by harnessing expert knowledge and being collaborative in all we do.


We work closely with researchers, policy makers, health practitioners and community service providers in the development and promotion of healthy ageing services and programs with a focus on preventing falls and fall-related injury.


Our purpose is to support practitioners to improve the lives of older Australians through healthy ageing initiatives with a focus on preventing falls and fall-related injuries.


Do you have any news on Falls Prevention or healthy ageing that you want to share with others on the network, or report on a project that is happening in your area. We also welcome suggestions for articles and information you would like to see in this newsletter. Send your news and suggestions to: fallsnetwork@neura.edu.au

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Contact Us:

Telephone +61 2 9399 1063

Email fallsnetwork@neura.edu.au


Our mailing address is:
NSW Falls Prevention Network
Neuroscience Research Australia
PO Box 1165
Randwick NSW 2031


Copyright © NSW Falls Prevention and Healthy Ageing Network