NSW Healthy Ageing and Fall Prevention Network

Western and Far West NSW Local Health District

Rural Webinar

23rd October 2020

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Session 1 – Active Healthy Ageing

9.30am - 11.00am


This session will highlight some of the programs currently being conducted in the Western and Far West NSW Local Health Districts to encourage older adults to remain active in the community and the role healthy eating plays in maintaining good cognitive health. This will include an update on the new direction of the Network, an overview of virtual stepping on programs and the Get Healthy service and will finish with a pannel and Q&A from the audience. This session will be beneficial for allied health professionals, community and residential aged care settings, and nursing and medical staff from hospital.



  • Cameron Hicks, Project Officer, NSW Healthy Ageing and Fall Prevention Network - Network Update
  • Lyndal O’Leary, Health Promotion Manager, WNSWLHD - Overview of rural physical activity across the life continuum
  • Nicole Woldhuis, Health Promotion Coordinator, WNSWLHD – Physically Active Communities
  • Philipa Wrench, Health Promotion Coordinator, WNSWLHD - Virtual Stepping on & Get Healthy Service
  • Dr Ruth Peters, Senior Research Scientist, NeuRA – Healthy eating for good cognitive health

Session 2 – Keeping Older People Safe

11.30am - 1.00pm


This session focusses on safety and minimising harm in hospital and sub-acute hospital settings for fall prevention. There will be presentations from Orange Health Service, learning to live with an impairment using a sensori-deprivation suit and virtual reality, the Broken Hill Zero Tolerance Redesign and information on the Frailty Pilot Project at Dubbo Health Service and End PJ Paralysis campaign. A panel and Q&A will conclude the session.



  • Lorraine Lovitt, Senior Improvement Lead, Older Persons Safety Unit, CEC: Overview of the CEC Comprehensive Care - minimising harm
  • Megan Ashraf, Clinical Nurse Educator, WNSWLHD & Sarudzai Mukonowatsauka, Clinical Nurse Educator, WNSWLHD - Orange Health Service local fall prevention initiatives
  • Desley Johnson, Falls Prevention and Management Coordinator, WNSWLHD - Living with an impairment
  • Wendy Gleeson, Nurse Manager Policy Practice and Innovation & Linda Sutherland, Clinical Nurse Specialist 2 Aged Care: Dementia and Falls - Broken Hill Zero Tolerance Redesign
  • Kristy Hatswellm A/Allied Health Manager - Frailty Piloty Project Dubbo Health Service
  • Racheal Hallam, A/Whole of Health, WNSWLHD - End PJ Paralysis

Session 3 – Healthy Ageing into the Future

2.00pm - 3.00pm


This session will provide an overview of the ageing strategy for WNSWLHD and the aged care projections for WNSWLHD. This ageing strategy was conducted in order to create an overarching, long-term vision of 5+ years for care of older people in the community, hospitals and residential aged care. Following this will be a discussion and Q&A from an expert panel on how we can use this data to plan for the future and the longer term implications of the aged care review and ageing strategies for services and service provision.



  • Anne Fields, Manager Performance and Service Development, Integrated Care Directorate

Registration is free. Upon registration you will be emailed a link that will provide access to all three sessions.

For more information go to our website

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