FALLS LINKS e-Newsletter 5, 2020
NSW Healthy Ageing and Fall Prevention Network Launch Webinar Save the Date: Friday 11th December 12:30pm - 1.15pm AEDT The NSW Healthy Ageing and Fall Prevention Network is excited to celebrate the launch of it's new name, logo and website with a webinar on healthy ageing on Friday 11th December from 12.30 - 1.15pm AEDT. This event will provide an update on the new focus and goals of the Network and include a demonstration of our new website and E-Learning platform. Register to this event for free here
Western and Far West Rural Webinar recordings now available Session 1 focussed on Active Healthy Ageing, session 2 on Keeping Older People Safe and session 3 on Healthy Ageing into the Future. ![]()
Australian Vestibular Rehabilitation Conference Online Event Content available 27th November - 7th December The Australian Vestibular Rehabilitation Conference will begin later this month. This online event will share the latest research on VOR adaptation, balance and gait, BPPV, virtual reality and psychological aspects.
Keynote Speakers
For more information and to register go the their website.
Program Highlight Southern NSW Local Health District – Northern Cluster Hospital Acquired Complications Falls Project Falls resulting in serious injury or death are classified by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care as Hospital Acquired Complications (HAC) attracting both a financial penalty to the hospital and often life changing outcomes for the patients. Local Health District fall related HAC’s in January 2019 displayed an increasing trend in five wards across the Northern Cluster. As a result, an innovative fall prevention model was developed locally, utilising the Institute of Healthcare Improvement principles which reduced falls resulting in serious injury by 25%. A three pronged aim underpinned the project;
LHD leads provided support and structure for Project Officers to embed the approach at the ward level. Training, structured support and regular data collection were key to achieving process and outcome measures. Ward based teamwork, leadership from NUMS and engagement with the Executive sponsor have been key learnings that will enhance future projects.
Strategies implemented as part of the innovative fall prevention model included;
This program was a finalist for the Patient Safety First Award Category from the NSW Health Awards. Niccola Follett and the HAC Falls Project, Southern NSW Local Health District
Upcoming Events
Research Highlight Tailored exercise and home hazard reduction for fall prevention in older people with cognitive impairment: the i-FOCIS randomized controlled trial
Abstract METHODS RESULTS CONCLUSIONS Trial registration: Australian and New Zealand Trials Registry ACTRN12614000603617
Share your news Do you have any news on Falls Prevention you want to share with others on the network, or report on a project that is happening in your area. We also welcome suggestions for articles and information you would like to see in this newsletter. ![]() Our mailing address is:
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